Learning from creating a Pecha Kucha PowerPoint?
- Creating the PowerPoint - This is the first time that I created a Pecha Kucha PowerPoint. In the past, my PowerPoint slides were usually crowded with text boxes, pictures, and animations. Pecha Kucha is an art of concise presentation. Creating a Pecha Kucha PowerPoint is a completely different learning experience where I focus more on the essential information that I want to convey and simplify the visual presentations.
- Without texts, it is not easy to guide the audience through the slide show. It is then more important to keep the presentation simple and concise, and keep the materials organized in a logical sequence I decided to introduce chemistry lab safety in a way that assumes the audience is about to enter the lab, putting them into the scenario, and showing what should be done in chronological order.
- Audience usually don’t have a very strong attention span. This is what makes Pecha Kucha presentation more effective because the presenter makes effort to describe the topic in a limited amount of time and will only present the core information.
- The style of Pecha Kucha is very much like telling a story through pictures, if used in a classroom, it will allow students to think both literally and symbolically about the pictures
- I also learned how to use My Brainshark to create and modify a presentation. I like the feature of allowing users to modify on a slide-by-slide basis. So you can actually record for one slide at a time. This feature outperforms Camtasia which does not offer minor modification to each slide.
- Using Pecha Kucha in the classroom
- Pecha Kucha can be used as a learning tool in a classroom. It is a good way to assess content knowledge. Because if the students do not fully understand the knowledge, it will be difficult to tell a story just by visual triggers.
- Before using Pecha Kucha in the classroom, I have to think about the purpose of the presentation. Pecha Kucha may not be the best choice to mimic a typical professional presentation but a good format to initiate discussion, or to give a quick and informal but interactive presentation
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