Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Learning from Digital Storytelling

Digital storytelling is a powerful yet simple way to encourage students to express their understanding, construct knowledge within the context of coherent narrative. Instead of their work being seen by teachers, they can now publish their work to gain feedback from other students, and global audience. This further adds to deeper engagement and motivation.
Graphic from http://digitalstorytellingsynthesis.pbworks.com
Orlando (2014) suggests the following steps to implement digital storytelling in the classroom:
First, to understand the pedagogical benefits and purposes of digital storytelling, in order to determine the exercise type and format. Next, to understand the steps involved in creating a digital storytelling lesson, and standards that are appropriate to it. Finally, to understand the different types of software or web services that are available for creating and hosting digital stories, and how students can use them to develop their own work.We all have some experience with digital storytelling (assignment 3). Do you think it is going to be an effective learning tool? How do you see digital storytelling fitting in the assessment infrastructure and student learning experience in your course? 

Orlando, John, Heighten Learning through Digital Storytelling, Faculty Focus, Jan 2014, http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-with-technology-articles/heighten-learning-digital-storytelling/

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