Positive Learning Environments

Posted by Katrina on PIDP3250 forum

Thread 1- “Creating and Maintaining that Positive Learning Environment.”

Key Ideas Brought Forward and Discussed:
· How little things can make a big impact on the learning environment
· The learning environment needs to be co-constructed-“It’s a two-way-street” (Brenda)
· The power of relationship
· How music can enhance or become a distraction in the learning environment
· The role of training toys
· The importance of the physical environment
· Whole Brain-Power Teaching
· The role of memory
· Building community
· How critical trust is in the learning environment

Articles and Links
Creating a Positive Learning Environment http://www.brighthub.com/education/online-learning/articles/41064.as
Effective Learning Environments  http://www.lbspractitionertraining.com/pd-courses/practitioners/working-with-adult-learners/165-24-effective-learning-environments
Creating a Community of Learners-League PDF http://www.league.org/gettingresults/web/p/module1.pdf
Learning Communities at Ohio University https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TpKhCs5t-Ac
An Effective Learning Environment is a Shared Responsibility http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/teaching-professor-blog/effective-learning-environment-shared-responsibility/
Training Toys training toys.pdf
How to integrate music in the classroom http://education.jhu.edu/PD/newhorizons/strategies/topics/Arts%20in%20Education/brewer.htm
Does listening to Mozart really boost your brainpower?
Chapter 6: The Psychology of Learning
20 Tips for Creating a Safe Learning Environment
A Positive Classroom Climate https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hvv-URrlVFs
Whole Brain Teaching: The Basics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBeWEgvGm2Y
Power Teaching: 6th Grade Class, Classroom Management
Learning and Teaching: Bloom’s Taxonomy http://www.learningandteaching.info/learning/bloomtax.htm
Long and Short Term Memory http://counseling.uchicago.edu/page/long-and-short-term-memory
Three basic techniques in whole brain teaching http://www.ajarn.com/blogs/lee-lepper/three-basic-techniques-in-whole-brain-teaching/
Power Teaching Rules: Pros and Cons http://forums.atozteacherstuff.com/showthread.php?t=63036
Whole Brain Teachers of America site http://wholebrainteaching.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&layout=item&id=135&Itemid=105
Building Community https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t4gDUkEI14Q
Building Trust http://gallery.carnegiefoundation.org/collections/castl_k12/kaustin/Concept_Pages/Building_Trust/building_trust.html
How to repair a broken relationship with your students http://www.smartclassroommanagement.com/2012/09/15/how-to-repair-a-broken-relationship-with-your-students/

Thread 2- “Positive Learning Environments”
Key Ideas Brought Forward and Discussed:
· How to establish and sustain a positive learning environment
· Classroom etiquette
· Curriculum: offering freedom and choices
· The power and role of humor/laughter
· Teaching learners how to learn
· Thinking “outside of the box”
· The importance of the physical environment
· Fostering cooperation and acceptance
· How critical trust is in the learning environment
· Importance of knowing and sharing information about the services that are available

Links and Articles
Positive Learning Environments From the New Zealand Qualification Authority
The LBS Practitioner Training: The Learning Environment
Faculty Focus-Humor in the Classroom: 40 years of research
Chapter 10: Use of humor in the classroom https://www.uab.edu/Communicationstudies/richmond_files/Richmond%20Humor%20in%20Classroom.pdf
On Humor and Education-David Low https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BzZoPcXr0no
Memory, Learning and Emotions: the Hippocampus http://www.psycheducation.org/emotion/hippocampus.htm
How Laughing Leads to Learning http://www.apa.org/monitor/jun06/learning.aspx
Humor in School https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=IrIxwBVME4Q
31 Signs you’ve been a Teacher Too Long http://www.buzzfeed.com/ashleyperez/31-signs-youve-been-a-teacher-too-long#1qioz6e
Modern Day Classroom with the Simpsons http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z91tys7dYp4
American Psychological Association: How laughter leads to learning http://www.apa.org/monitor/jun06/learning.aspx
College Humor: Chalk-Stick Cartoons https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a791SGhpArA
The Reggio Emilia Approach http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reggio_Emilia_approach
The Physical Learning Environment http://www-distance.syr.edu/phylearn.html
Together We Learn Better: Inclusive Schools Benefit All Children
Creating and Sustaining an Inclusive Classroom at the College Level
Building Trust http://gallery.carnegiefoundation.org/collections/castl_k12/kaustin/Concept_Pages/Building_Trust/building_trust.html
How to Repair a Broken Relationship with your Student http://gallery.carnegiefoundation.org/collections/castl_k12/kaustin/Concept_Pages/Building_Trust/building_trust.html 

Quotes and References:
“A positive learning environment is one which encourages learners to achieve their potential, identifies and accommodates their individual needs and learning preferences, and deals sensitively with issues that arise within groups.”
From the New Zealand Qualification Authority
“Successful learning is, after all, about teaching learners how to learn, not about teaching content to learners” (Fenwick & Parsons, 2009, p. 169).
Fenwick, T. & Parsons, J. (2009). The Art of Evaluation: A Resource for Educators and Trainers. Toronto: Thompson Educational Publishing Inc.
“Go to a party, and meet a bunch of new people. Which faces are you going to remember? The woman who made you laugh, the man who made you feel embarrassed, and your new boss -- the ones who had an emotional impact. (Psycheducation.org, 2003)”.
Psycheducation.org (On-line, 2003), Retrieved from Sept 18, 2014 http://www.psycheducation.org/emotion/hippocampus.htm

It is noted that by Haaensen "that students are always motivated, not perhaps motivated to learn something, but to do something. ...it is not possible to motivate students but teachers may be able to create a learning situation, which is stimulating and attractive." She continues "Creating a positive learning environment enhances learning and the sessions should include exercises which give the students enough responsibility and freedom"

Haagensen, B 2007 (Dialogue Pedagogy and Motivation. A case study in Swedish)

Thread 3- “Language in the Classroom and Positive Learning Environments”

Key Ideas Brought Forward and Discussed:
· The challenges of students speaking their own language in class
· The “English only” approach

Should ESL Instructors Speak Other Languages in the Classroom?
Thread 4- “How to Ruin the Learning Environment”
Key Ideas Brought Forward and Discussed:
· Teaching attire
· Side-chatter: strategies to prevent and stop it
· Texting and cell phone misuse
· Creating and implementing classroom rules
· Checking your understanding of situations before acting
· The impact of delivering assignments with no explanation
· Professional image
· We are all human
· The power and role of humor/laughter
· The importance of celebration
· How food and shared meals can enhance the learning environment
· Relationships on and off campus. What is appropriate and what is not
· Facebook and other social sites

Professionalism When Teaching in the Classroom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eghw1fAU0PM
Should Teachers be Funny? http://www.natcom.org/CommCurrentsArticle.aspx?id=752
Definition of “Tightrope” http://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/walk+a+tightrope
LinkedIn http://www.linkedin.com/

Quotes and References:
“Model appropriate behavior. Students are very sensitive to teacher’s attitudes towards the school and the class in general; therefore, teachers must be extremely self-reflective, making certain that they are modeling positive behaviors for the class. Videotaping several class sessions may make teachers aware of any negative feelings they may be projecting towards their students”.

Forming Positive Student-Teacher Relationships (on-line, no date avail), Retrieved on Sept 23, 2014,

Thread 5- “Cell phones”

Key Ideas Brought Forward and Discussed:
· Cell phones and their negative and positive impact in the learning environment
· Banning cell phones and other technology
· Controlling the use of technology in the classroom
· Polices: Do you have one? Do they work?
· Technology and the self-directed learner
· Cell phones and other technology as positive learning tools
· Who is responsible for providing technology in the learning environment?

Articles and Links
Banning cell phones from the class helps students focus https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dqHlOqKklus
How to use cell phones in the classroom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UpPUsxsAUr8
Board starts pilot to encourage use of handheld devices in class as teaching tools
Cell phones affect the college classroom negatively https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNekjb4o7GE
Technology in the Classroom: A persistent distraction https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jPeJAF9nOhU
How to use cell phones as learning tools http://www.teachhub.com/how-use-cell-phones-learning-tools
Some schools rethink ban on cell phones http://www.nbcnews.com/id/35063840/ns/technology_and_science-tech_and_gadgets/t/some-schools-rethink-bans-cell-phones/#.VB95FxZkyvs
Why Clay Shirky Banned Laptops, Tablets and Phones from his Classroom http://www.pbs.org/mediashift/2014/09/why-clay-shirky-banned-laptops-tablets-and-phones-from-his-classroom/
Poll every where http://www.polleverywhere.com/
Cell Phones in School: Personally Owned Devices https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfGgRe6YBo0
My Virtual Child http://www.myvirtualchild.com/

Quotes and References
Faculty Focus (April 2013) states "Once the instructor has a clear understanding of the potential positive or negative impact of allowing cell phone use, he or she must clearly state policies in the syllabus. If the faculty member allows phone use, he or she then must clearly state how the cell phone can be used. If no cell phone use is allowed, this too must be clearly stated and students need to know the repercussions for violating the policy. For example, if my students use their cell phones during class, they must leave class for the rest of the day. If the violation occurs in the clinical area, they receive a formal warning. After the second warning, they are dismissed from the program".

Reference: Faculty Focus. Cell phones in the classroom. What is your policy?http://www.facultyfocus.com/articles/effective-classroom-management/cell-phones-in-the-classroom-whats-your-policy/

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