Visible Learning

Summarized by Aimee and Piyu

Visible Learning & John Hattie's 8 Mindframes

Hattie's 8 Mindframes were valid and participants felt that they could relate to one or a combination of Hattie's work.
1. Instructors have a direct impact on the success or failure of students.
2. A learning environment where the students feel most supported by teachers by means of diagnosing, intervening and reacting contributes most to student achievement.
3. A lot of support in regards to mindframe #2 (the success and failure of my students' learning is about what I do or don't do, I am a change agent)-received the most votes.

References/Citation for this forum

Winston Churchill, "Sometimes doing your best is not good enough. Sometimes you must do what is required." posted by Elaine Lai
Hattie's 8 Mindframes YouTube 

Isabelle Vilm's reference to a chart regarding top influences on student achivement: click here.
My own reference to how people learn: click here.

"Can the Teacher see his or her impact on students' learning?" 

1. Teachers serve as role models for students.
2. Self-directed learning is key to lifelong learning.
3. Instructional strategies and the effective use of this will lead to student understanding and satisfaction.
4. Disruptive behavior in class can thwart the best teacher, this contradicts Hattie's work.
5. Teachers have a direct impact on student achievement.
6. Seniority versus Effectiveness: a case for arguing "teachers are best identified by their performance, not by their background or experience.


Brookfield, S.D. (2006). The skillful teacher: on technique, trust, and responsiveness in the classroom. (2nd ed.). San Francisco: CA: Jossey-Bass
Weimer, S. (2012, April 18). Faculty Focus. Teaching with confidence; advice for new faculty.
Link to movie posted by Jolene: 
Link to Tanya's post: Ramsey Musallam

Link to Talisa's post on humour in the classroom, & teacher competencies
Link to Brenda's post on Teachers Matter.

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