Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Applying Constructivism Theory in Freshman Level Chemistry Laboratory Teaching


Over the years various learning theories on adult education have been proposed, studied, and applied into practice, such as, behaviorism, cognitivism, humanism, and constructivism (Merriam & Brockett, 2007). These theoretical frameworks explain how knowledge and information are delivered, processed and retained in the long term. They provide tremendous resources for educators to design and reflect on their instructions.

The author focuses on constructivism (constructivist theories) in which, learning is considered as a constructive process based on learner’s existing intelligence and experience. Self-directed learning is a vital component in constructivism (Candy, 1991). Constructivism also emphasizes “the combined characteristics of active inquiry, independence, and individuality in a learning task” (Merriam & Brockett, 2007). After the roles of learners and instructors are being discussed, three classroom examples are given to further state how constructivist theory can be applied in freshman level chemistry laboratory teaching practice.

Theory Highlights

Constructivists believe that learners acquire new knowledge and concept through accommodation and assimilation of their prior experience and knowledge-base (Merriam & Brockett, 2007). Because the learning process is driven by the learners, it occurs most efficiently when learners are actively engaged. It has also been pointed out that, the primary goal of education is not merely the acquisition of knowledge, but also, how much sense the learners make and how they can apply the new knowledge in the new context.

It is difficult to present constructivism as a unified theory (Merriam & Brockett, 2007). There are two main strands in the theory, cognitive constructivism and social constructivism. Cognitive constructivism features on individual’s internal constructions of knowledge. This perspective has its root in Piaget’s theory, with an emphasis on individual knowledge construction stimulated by internal cognitive process as learners strive to solve mental disequilibrium while accepting acquiring new knowledge (Piaget, 1977). Information cannot be understood and used immediately after learning. Instead, learners must construct their own knowledge-base through experience. Social constructivism views that knowledge construction is initiated and developed by the social interactions within the learning community. These learning-related interactions may involve sharing the knowledge and opinions, comparing, debating, collaborating and mentoring. The learners refine new concept and help each other to acquire new insights (Merriam & Brockett, 2007).

Despite the differences between the focus of individual learning and group learning, most constructivists agree that (1) learners are the center and the driving force of the learning process; (2) learners’ prior knowledge and experience determine the effectiveness and efficiency of the learning process; (3) it is crucial for the instructors to select the topics related to the real world context (4) necessary guidance from the instructor should be given under the self-directed environment.

Why Constructivism Theory is selected

Constructivism is very applicable in science teaching. Most of the science subjects are relevant to everyday life, which makes them easier to connect to their own experience. Learners are encouraged to utilize the knowledge they learn to solve real-life problems and to explain and understand everyday phenomena.

In university level science courses, although a decent amount of time and effort are devoted to lab experience, most of the credit is allocated to the lecture component during which knowledge is transferred from the instructor to the students. In the meantime, the students are evaluated based on how close their answers are to the answer key in their exams. However, constructivist theories are based on the idea of learner-centered. Learning occurs in the mind of the learner and within learner groups.

This theory matches my teaching philosophy closely in lab teaching. First of all, laboratory is an open environment, where the learners feel more comfortable to exchange ideas, ask questions, and take initiatives. Secondly, students decide on in which order, in which way they should complete the hands-on lab activities, and how they collaborate in the group. There is space for them to be creative, and to apply their existing knowledge to explore under instructor’s guidance.  The content itself is more alike many open-end questions for the learners to answer. The existing knowledge can be acquired very recently. I see the process as an observing-thinking-deciding-learning cycle, where the learners apply their newly acquired information (observations) after thinking, and plan the next step of action. In the long term, this is the skill that they are expected to retain in their career as a professional chemist.

The fundamental challenge of constructivism is to switch learning from teacher-centered to learner-centered and also to place the topics in a real-world context for this constructive process to occur. These challenges will be further addressed in classroom examples.

Roles of the Learner

Learners are the center of the learning process. They form some memory of their former experience and associate the existing knowledge to the new concept. They also organize and apply newly acquired the knowledge. Constructivists also believe that the learner is the one who acts on topics within his/her internal environment and further derive the meaning into future questions under new context. The learners also assimilate new information to simple, pre-existing notions and modify their understanding. Critical insights are formed, shared within the group, and applied to deal with new phenomena.

Roles of the Instructor 

The constructivist instructor is a facilitator who encourages students to discover, to relate and construct knowledge within a provided framework or structure. They also assist the students to build the connection with prior knowledge, and keep them engaged. One of the major concerns is the students’ cognitive process. Learning disabled students process information less effectively and the teachers must become aware of the difference. Along the same line, because this is a learner-centered environment, the instructor should select the topics, and design the instructional framework based on the leaners’ academic background and, more in depth, their learning styles.

Classroom Examples

Example 1: Visualization of Intercalation As believed by constructivist, learners are the center of the learning-teaching process. It is acknowledged that each student does not learn in the same way, implementing a variety of learning styles throughout the course allows all the students will have the chance to learn in at least one way that matches their learning styles. While reading is a very important learning mode, some students respond better to visual and audio stimuli or by participating in the activities. Intercalation is a difficult concept in solid acid titration lab. In the event of intercalation (Figure 1), protons in zirconium phosphate solid are replaced by sodium ions, thus the distance between two layers (the solid strips on the top and on the bottom) expands to a certain degree which is related to the radius difference of sodium ion and proton.

 To help the students visualize the process, eight students in the class are invited to the front. Four of them stand for the two layers (two for each layer), while two short students play the role of the protons, which are in between the “two layers”. Then the instructor asked the class, in the event of titration (adding sodium hydroxide in) what happens – introducing sodium ions into the layers. Because the tall students need more room in between, the “layer students” must be separated wider to make enough space. The role playing leads them to visualize how intercalation results in the change in solid state structures.

Example 2: Copper Mining Project As stated in constructivism theories, learning occurs when the students relate the prior knowledge to the current scenario. The instructor should encourage the students to take the ownership of their learning, and facilitate extrapolation and promote the knowledge beyond the current context. Copper Mining Project is a great example that is recently designed to practice the theory. The lab context is designed on exploring the chemical properties of copper mine. Typical chemistry techniques are being introduced in this lab activities. Students are placed in a real world scenarios – technologist, recorder, safety officer, and lab manager who work for a copper mine company. Their job is to find out information on four different mining sites in Mexico, China, Zambia and Arizona, and evaluate the investment advantages/disadvantage of each mining site. Students are encouraged to apply their knowledge in economy, geography, environmental science, and in chemistry. They would consider the local labor price, the transportation cost, environmental regulations and so on, to rank the order. Each week the students rotate in different roles, recorder (documentation skills), safety officer (responsibility and sense of safety), and team leader (leadership skills). Because many of them have worked one or two similar jobs in the real life, it is the place where they come to utilize the existing skills and develop new skills by learning from each other. In this activity, instructor is a facilitator and organizer, who organizes presentations, and assign the jobs, and facilitate group discussions.

Example 3 Switching Lab Partners As stated in social constructivism, the social interactions are the trigger of knowledge acquisition. These social interactions may include sharing, comparing, collaborating and debating in the group. Because most of the lab activities are group work. How the group functions will really affect the final outcome. In the past, students keep in the same group through the semester, and the problem is that the high performing students turn to gather in a group while the low-performing students gathering together. As in the class, often times, students don’t know other students in other groups and have no comfort to discuss or ask for help. To increase the social interactions in the class, so to improve the learning outcome, the lab groups will be re-formed every few weeks. The instructor would evaluate each student’s performance and personality, to rearrange the group. Since it “forces” the students to know more people with each other, they share contact information, study together after the class for group work, and help each other to clarify the confusions. Especially for the low-performing students, it is obvious that their performance is improved after paring with a high-performing students through the mentoring and collaboration process. On the other hand, it is greatly acknowledged that, each learner has different skill sets. A new skill can be acquired by collaboration and observation with a new group partner. And this example very closely applied the concept of social constructivism into classroom practice and received very positive results.


Laboratory activities can be modified based on constructivism theory to create a more learner-centered learning environment with higher level of learner engagement (Shiland, 1999). After a brief introduction of constructivism theory, and discussion of learner’s and instructor’s roles, the author outlines three examples of how this theory can be applied in the teaching practice: Example 1 – provide various teaching styles for different learning styles especially having the learners participate into the activity to understand the concept; Example 2 –facilitate learner-centered learning, and encourage students to explore, discover and build new knowledge on the top of existing knowledge; Example 3 – improve class-wide interactions by having the students partner with different people, based on social constructivism. The constructivism theory matches my teaching philosophy and provides a theoretical framework, based on which decisions (of modifications) can be made to shape my future teaching practice.


Candy, P. (1991). Self-direction for lifelong learning: A comprehensive guide to theory and practice. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Merriam, S. B., & Brockett, R. G. (2007). The Profession and Practice of Adult Education: An Introduction. San Francisco, CA: John Wiley&Sons, Inc.
Piaget, J. (1977). The equilibration of cognitive structures. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Shiland, T. W. (1999). Constructivism: The Implications for Laboratory Work. Journal of Chemical Education, 107.


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