Tuesday, May 19, 2015

"Take-away" from PIDP3260

PIDP 3260 has strengthened my perception in immeasurable aspects. One of the most important “take away” is integrating reflection in everyday teaching practice and the effectiveness of reflecting on my own learning. I increased the emphasis of reflective learning in the lesson plan and grading rubric. In the last formative feedback many of my students expressed their appreciation of the learning reflection component. They’ve found it very helpful in their personal and academic growth.
             On the other hand, I particularly enjoyed the topics that are highly relevant in instructor’s professional practice but rarely discussed before. In the first four weeks I learned the importance of evaluation and how to design an effective evaluation. It is also advantageous to conduct case studies of program evaluations to prepare for future elevated responsibilities. Week five “Values, Ethics and Perspectives” is thought-provoking. The reading materials significantly increased my self-awareness in ethical issues and personal values. The discussion on professional boundaries allowed me to join the PIDP community. Additionally I started thinking the best way to maintain a cultivating relationship at a professional distance with students. This also initiated more thoughtful considerations of social media use in the classroom. Week 7 provides insightful advice towards how to begin a professional teaching career, how to keep involved, and how to plan for the future career move. It is worthwhile to examine our visions and values to pursuit what exactly we want to be in the future.
            Overall PIDP3260 has been the most memorable learning journey so far for me. Unlike other classes I took before, I am more confident to readily apply what I learned for the course in my current practice. The impact it immediately brought me motivated me– in both teaching and learning. I truly appreciate our dedicated instructor for preparing all course materials, giving prompt and constructive feedback, and demonstrating an excellent example for my future course development.

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