Video projects teach students to plan, organize, and communicate globally. As online teaching and learning become an important format in education, learning how to effectively create a video also becomes a fundamental skill that every educator should learn.
Step 1: Outline - I started by outlining my main points on a piece of paper and trying to place each point in a logic order
Step 2: Research - this is where I spent too much time. Realizing I only have five minutes, there really can't be too much content that can be covered here. A good presentation doesn't have to cover everything, instead, should be expressing several ideas in a simple, and easy-to-understand way.
Step 3: Write scripts - I wrote word by word what I am going to say, and at the same time, put things together in a PowerPoint file. This might be why I lost my enthusiasm in the video - at the time of shooting the video, I have repeated the same script for more than twenty times....(sometimes there was noise, so I had to re-capture).
Step 4: Practice and record using Camtasia.. this time I finally figured out how to add background music to the Powerpoint file which may help to ease off the background noise.
Step 5: Publishing
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